Wednesday, February 29, 2012

And so it begins...

By Joey McMurry

I hope McDonalds doesn't sue me for the use of their famous name (thanks, Katherine:). Anyway, my friends and family have told me for some time to start a blog. I do want to work within media in some way, shape or form eventually, so I guess it's about time I start doing something like this.

As a huge sports fan, most of the blog will be centered around my thoughts on athletics. But since I am someone who has thoughts on just about everything, I felt it was necessary to keep the rest of the blog a bit, shall we say, open ended. Of course, I may regret that later, but we'll see.

In any case, I hope people enjoy reading my writing as much as I enjoy writing about my thoughts.

And so, drum roll please.........

It begins. The McFlurry - A Blend of Sports, Pop Culture, and Life.